Start Late Summer
Early Fall - Before Leaves Fall - Allow Enough Time For Patch Work To Cure Before Sealing.
A hot and for the most part, dry summer is the harbinger of a cool fall with leaves quick to turn bright iridescent and drop sooner than later.
When preparing for fall, most homeowners think about their driveways and feel Fall is the best time to get ahead of the curve by preparing for the possibility of another torrid winter.
Here's why:
Whether it's snowplows, salt, calcium, or sand, sealing protects the surface from these winter deterrents, which erode and eat through the asphalt, allowing meltwater to seep into newly formed cracks. Expansion and contraction during thaw and freeze cycles cause frost upheaval of asphalt, which when driven over, creates potholes and other damages. Sealing it correctly and with the right products significantly reduces the chances of damage and exposure from auto fluids.